Lauréat Energy Award 2024

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Etude FORBEG sur les prix de l'énergie

Communiqué de presse 15/05/2024

Conférence de presse Deloitte étude prix de l'électricité 27/3/2024

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Tarifs Elia

Communiqué de presse 14/11/2023

Mémorandum élections 2024

Mémorandum Febeliec



Positions > Consultations > 2020

18/12/2020 - ELIA public consultations on the CRM capacity contract & Connection contract

6/12/2020 - ELIA consultation on the proposal for amendment of T&C BSP for aFRR

30/11/2020 - VREG CONS-2020-05: Ontwerp van mededeling met betrekking tot het beleid van de VREG inzake de actieve en passieve openbaarheid van bestuur, de kwalificatie als – en de omgang met – vertrouwelijke gegevens door de VREG, en de interne richtlijn

30/11/2021 - ELIA consultation on the methodology and input data for the adequacy and flexibility study 2021

22/11/2021 - ELIA consultation on the proposal for amendments of the T&C BRP following the implementation of transfer of energy for the DA and ID markets

20/11/2021 - CREG consultation on the request for derogation from Elia on the minimum level of capacity to be made available for cross-zonal trade

20/11/2021 - CREG consultation on the proposal of decision regarding the guidelines for the accepted investment costs for the determination of the contract duration under the CRM

20/11/2021 - CREG consultation on amendment of its proposal on the investment thresholds and the investment cost eligibility criteria in the framework of the CRM

19/11/2021 - ELIA consultation on the rules for the organization of Transfer of Energy

17/11/2021 - EC consultation on Belgium's electricity market reform plan

15/11/2021 - FPS Economy: Belgian national risk scenarios

20/11/2021 - Fluxys Market Consultation 47 : New Standard Connection Agreement – Local Producer

13/11/2021 - Fluxys Market Consultation 46 - Changes in the regulatory documents

13/11/2021 - ELIA public consultation on Nemo Link Explicit Day Ahead Auction Consultation

12/11/2021 - CREG Consultation (PRD)658E/69

6/11/2020 - ELIA consultation on the methodology to determine the required balancing capacity

5/11/2021 - CREG consultation on the Transfer of Energy

2/11/2020 - Prescription Synergrid Contrat FSP-GRD - article 8 et Annexe 1

2/11/2020 - Prescription Synergrid C8/01 - article 8 et Annexe 1

1/11/2020 - ELIA consultation on the updated MOG II System Integration Study

30/10/2020 - FLUVIUS aanpak en scope van het Toegangscontract

30/10/2020 - ELIA consultation on the preliminary report on Elia’s findings regarding the design of a scarcity pricing mechanism for implementation in Belgium

20/10/2020 - ELIA consultation on the suppression of the day-ahead balancing obligation for Balancing Responsible Parties

15/10/2020 - ELIA consultation on smart testing

15/10/2020 - ELIA consultation on the test plan

1/10/2020 - ELIA consultation on the remuneration of mFRR and aFRR capacity: pay-as-bid vs pay-as-cleared

25/9/2020 - ELIA consultation on the Functioning Rules (v2) for the Capacity Remuneration Mechanism

21/9/2020 - ELIA consultation on the input data for the dimensioning of the volumes of strategic reserve for winter 2021-2022

14/9/2020 - CWaPE proposition CD-20f25-CWaPE-1860 visant la révision du règlement technique pour la gestion des réseaux de distribution d’électricité en Région Wallonne et l’accès à ceux-ci

31/8/2020 - ELIA report on Deterministic Frequency Deviations

31/8/2020 - ELIA design note on Transfer of Energy in DA and ID markets

25/8/2020 - CREG public consultation (PRD)2106 on the modification of the market coupling in CWE following the introduction of ALEGRO

12/8/2020 - ELIA Aanbeveling van de Users’ Group aangaande de toepassing van het concept substantiële modernisering op de type B-eenheden, asynchrone opslagparken en verbruiksinstallaties

31/7/2020 - CREG Consultation 2108: Transit shipping arrangements between different central counter parties and shipping agents for the exchange resulting from the single intraday coupling

13/7/2020 - CREG Consultation (PRD)2086 relative to the draft proposal of the gross cost of a newcomer and correction factor X

13/7/2020 - ELIA consultation on the proposal of modification of the Federal Grid Code for capacity reservation after CRM

10/7/2020 - ELIA consultation on the drop procedure

8/7/2020 - ELIA consultation on the MOG II System Integration Study

3/7/2020 - CREG public consultation (PRD)658E/68 on the proposal of decision concerning the objectives for Elia in 2021 in the framework of the discretionary incentives of the CREG

2/7/2020 - ELIA consultation on the methodology for the dimensioning of the aFRR needs

1/7/2020 - ELIA consultation on the methodology, hypotheses and data sources for the dimensioning of the volumes of strategic reserve for winter 2021-2022

18/6/2020 - VREG consultatie met betrekking tot de tariefmethodologie voor distributie elektriciteit en aardgas gedurende de reguleringsperiode 2021-2024

15/6/2020 - ELIA consultation on substantial modernisation

5/6/2020 - ELIA public consultation on the scenarios, sensitivities and data for the CRM parameter calculation for the Y-4 Auction for Delivery Period 2025-2026

15/5/2020 - Vlaamse overheid: Ontwerpdecreet flexibiliteit en Visienota energiegemeenschappen

24/4/2020 - ELIA consultation on the Balancing Rules

17/4/2020 - ELIA consultation on the Terms and Conditions for balancing service providers for Frequency Containment Reserve

10/4/2020 - CREG consultation on the proposal for functioning rules for access to the intraday market in the frame of congestion management

3/4/2020 - ELIA consultation on the Terms and Conditions for balancing service providers for automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve

1/4/2020 - Gemeenschappelijk voorstel van de Belgische gewestelijke regulatoren: noodleveranciersregeling

27/3/2020 - FPS Economy consultation on the parameters for the determination of the volume to be acquired in the CRM

20/3/2020 - CREG consultation on the proposal for parameters to determine the volume of capacity to be acquired in the CRM framework

19/3/2020 - Synergrid consultation on Modelovereenkomst FSP-DNB (flexibiliteit) – Modèle de contrat FSP-GRD (flexibilité)

18/3/2020 - CREG consultation on the Transfer of Energy

12/3/2020 - CREG consultation on the proposal of Elia System Operator with respect to the functioning rules for the strategic reserve for winter 2020-2021

1/3/2020 - Préconsultation de la CWaPE sur le règlement technique pour la gestion des réseaux de distribution d’électricité en Région wallonne

28/2/2020 - VREG consultatie met betrekking tot de herziening van het Technisch Reglement Plaatselijk Vervoernet van elektriciteit in het Vlaamse Gewest (TRPV)

24/2/2020 - ELIA public consultation on Terms and Conditions for Voltage Service Providers (T&C VSP)

24/1/2020 - ELIA consultation on the procedure for constitution of strategic reserve for winter 2020-2021

24/1/2020 - VREG consultatie m.b.t. energiegemeenschappen

17/1/2020 - EC Consultation on Belgium's market reform plan